M.T.Keshe, tan sólo África y probablemente América del Sur se apuntarán al salto de las energías libres, y creará su propio programa espacial (ASSP).
tan sólo África y probablemente América del Sur se apuntarán al salto
de las energías libres, y creará su propio programa espacial (ASSP).
pasado 6 de septiembre, tuvo lugar la esperada presentación de las
energías desarrolladas por la Fundación Keshe a las delegaciones
diplomáticas de los países que aceptaron asistir al Congreso.
320 países con sus respectivos representantes diplomáticos, fueron invitados al evento.
mayoría de los países desarrollados excusaron su asistencia, en cambio
el resto de los continentes, contó con representaciones suficientes.
Keshe ha sido bastante breve en el resumen del evento, ha publicado una
nota de prensa para que los medios de comunicación y revistas
científicas que así lo deseen, puedan recoger las conclusiones del
evento y los próximos pasos.
ser, que por el momento, tan sólo África acuerda el desarrollo de una
agencia Espacial con su propio programa espacial, (ASSP), que
incorporará las tecnologías avanzadas de la FK y todo apunta a una
posible incorporación en el mismo sentido, de América del Sur en un
futuro próximo. (SASSAP).
destaca en su nota de prensa que ambos continentes podrán disfrutar de
las tecnologías basadas en este salto tecnológico, así como las energías
libres, y que por primera vez en la historia tendrán su propio programa
Literalmente, señala:
the two continents which have not had a chance to be part of the space
program in the past, now in one leap super-pass the NASA in space
technology, if no problems are created by other organisations.
detalla que a finales de este año 2012 o principios del próximo 2013,
procederá a otra convocatoria para seguir animando a la comunidad
internacional, pero en este caso no se circunscribirá únicamente a los
líderes diplomáticos, sino que tendrá el objetivo de expandir el
conocimiento de estas nuevas energías a nivel global.
aquí la carta original de Keshe, y enlazamos con el foro de discusión
de la Fundación Keshe, por si desean acceder a las preguntas en abierto y
los debates que allí se mantienen.
“Dear forum watchers
In the world of diplomacy there are no kiss and tells.
Thus we will not report what has happened in the meeting of the 6.9.2012.
immediate outcome of the meeting and in its process of development, we
confirm the establishment of the African spaceship program (ASSP).
meaning the African nations in the coming year become part of space
program and by-passing the propulsion era as this technology has no room
in the real working of the motion in the universe and it is a manmade
technology and is not needed.
preliminary talks for this organisation has taken place and soon we
will report the nation we have chosen as the centre for this
We have suggested and understood soon to be agreed the establishment of the South American spaceship program SASSP too.
the two continents which have not had a chance to be part of the space
program in the past, now in one leap super-pass the NASA in space
technology, if no problems are created by other organisations.
is what we can report from this process of meeting and in run-up and
subsequent discussions with nations which are accommodating the initial
creation of these organisations.
The third international peace program is set to be for December of this year or January of next year.
this process we invite the nationals of countries to chose their own
delegation of maximum three persons to be sent to this meeting.
this meeting we will handover the full technology to the people of the
world without the presence of their governments representative, as they
were informed what is to come and is for them to organise their affaires
in the next three month.
the process of the teaching will go ahead as planed and soon you should
be able to produce the first small systems for energy production of a
few watts on your own.
invite those whom have contacted us or have achieved the production of
energy to start the video making of their process, that in time we will
invite them to bring along and show how it is done in their way.
From today it is an open game of transfer of the Keshe Foundation technologies to you the people of this planet.
raise awareness of the first teaching programs on the mass media and
social networks as no one should be left in darkness of light and
universal knowledge.
M T Keshe
The founder and present caretaker of the Keshe Foundation”
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